"If we all did the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves."
Thomas Edison

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Peanut Butter Play Time

I know it's against the "rules" to blog twice in one day but I really wanted to share this...

On this rainy Valentine's Day we decided to make some peanut butter play dough. It turned out GREAT and the kids loved playing with (and eating) it! Even the babies were able to get it on the fun because it was totally OK for them to taste and play :)

To make PEANUT BUTTER Play dough:
Combine in a bowl 2 cups of powdered sugar, 1 cup of peanut butter, and 1/2 cup of honey. That's it! Mix it all together until you get a nice dough. If you have a standing mixer that would work best. We don't have one so we just mixed it as best as we could with spoons and then dumped it on the table and kneaded it like dough with our hands.

It smells great and is not sticky at all! It's a little greasy from the peanut butter so be sure to wear play clothes or a smock. The babies really liked it because they love putting stuff in their mouths and for once momma wasn't yelling, "What's in your mouth?" :)
(Of course I would limit how much they eat because it is a lot of sugar and could end up making their tummies ache.) Definitely try this, it's a great rainy day project!

Bye for now,

PS. I'm going to attempt to save the rest in a zip lock bag but I'm not sure how it will hold. Hopefully we can reuse it in a couple days!

(There are some allergy concerns with this project. Obviously don't use this if your child has nut allergies. I'm not sure how the recipe would work with a soy-based peanut butter substitute but it couldn't hurt to try it! Also don't use this recipe with children less than 12months of age because there are Clostridium botulinum spores in honey that a baby's immature digestive system may not be able to fight off. It's best to wait until they're a year old before letting them try out the peanut butter play dough.)

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