"If we all did the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves."
Thomas Edison

Friday, October 5, 2012

Choo-Choo! All Aboard the Blends Train!

Blends Train

Here is a great project for you and your early reader to enjoy together! It's easy and she will enjoy practicing her blend words using the Blends Train!

Blends Train with 10 Letter Blend Box Cars!
For this project, you will be making a long train with each box car representing a specific letter blend. For example, our first box car is for letter blend "Br." Each box car is a pouch and will hold several words that begin with that letter blend. For our "Br" car we have the words brain, brake, brush, brave, bride, brown, broom, and bring. There are many more words you can use, these just happen to be the ones I chose. Our train consists of 10 cars with 8 words per car for a total of 80 words. You can make your train as short or as long as you'd like. I chose a couple of the most common letter blends but here is a list of Blend Letters and Words that you will find useful.
"Br" letter blend box car with words

Once you have your train assembled, your child can enjoy practicing her blend words by simple flash card repetition or by matching the words to their appropriate box car. You can also encourage creativity and thinking skills in your child by having her write silly sentences using the words from a specific box car. For our "Br" car, she could write a sentence like, "The brave bride asked a friend to brush her brown hair."

Materials needed:
  • Card stock or poster board for the grass
  • Manila folders for the box cars (keeping the fold as the bottom, cut into small squares)
  • Stapler (staple sides of the squares making small pouches)
  • Markers to write the letter blend on each box car and to draw wheels and connections between box cars
  • Glue
  • Blend Words List (I left this as a Word Doc so you can change the words if you want)
  • Manila folder or card stock for train engine (I used manila folder so it all matched. Just draw and cut out a simple engine design).
Each Box car holds the words for that letter blend

This train looks cute and can be very helpful in teaching letter blends to your early reader!

Bye for now,

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