"If we all did the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves."
Thomas Edison

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Fabulous Find!!


Wow! This website is a fabulous find! It is meant to be used for ESL teachers (English as a second language) or TEFL teachers (teaching English as a foreign language); however, the worksheets, flashcards, games, and teaching resources are great and can work for any child learning to read!

Today I printed out all the Long Vowel Silent E flashcards for Savanna. There are 8 sets with color illustrations. I also printed several Long Vowel Spelling Sheets to introduce Savanna to the long vowel sounds. She loved it and it was so easy! They also have word searches, rhymes, bingo, text only flashcards (for assessment and review), and much more. I will be using this site often and I highly recommend it!

Bye for now,

Ps. If you have trouble printing from their site as I did, just open a blank word doc, copy their page to your word doc, and print from there. No biggie!


  1. I'm not a homeschool mom but rather one who is always looking for resources to help those who are. I will check out this website and am sure I will be making use of it, especially if it has some things that will work in making lapbooks. A great site for free help in making lapbooks is www.homeschoolshare.com. You might want to look at it if you have not already.

    1. Thank you for the comment and the resource! I will check it out :)
