"If we all did the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves."
Thomas Edison

Saturday, October 26, 2013

We're MOVING!!!!

Ok don't freak out yet, we're not moving our family...we are moving to a new website :) I have been pondering it for some time and I just decided I want to put more effort into this whole writing thing. I want to expand to writing about a variety of things from homeschooling ideas to sewing to dealing with chaos and more! There are so many aspects to this Christian life as a wife and mother and I would love to share my victories and failures with you. Hopefully we can learn and laugh together! I have this idea that it's always raining life and yet God keeps pouring out His grace through it all. So our new website will be up soon...
So keep an eye out for our new site and I'll let you know when it's officially up and running! I'm super excited and hope you are too :)
Bye for now,

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