"If we all did the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves."
Thomas Edison

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Tig the Pig

My daughter has an incredible memory. This is a wonderful thing except she tends to memorize the pages of her books based on the picture. Instead of reading the words. This is obviously frustrating when she zooms through a book like she’s "reading" it but she’s missing words or saying words that aren’t correct. So I decided to have her illustrate her own book. This was my first attempt and she did GREAT with it! She had a lot of fun illustrating each page and the best part… she was ACTUALLY READING!  I will definitely be making more of these.

Tig the Pig is the book we made. Each page has a sentence and a picture of Tig. Just Tig. Once Savanna read the sentence correctly, she was allowed to decorate Tig accordingly.
ie. “Tig can wear a pink wig.”

Then once each page is decorated, you can cut them in half (printed landscape in two columns) and staple the book together. Your child will be so excited to share this book with everyone because she REALLY CAN READ IT all by herself!

Check out Savanna reading Tig the Pig J
Bye for now,

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