"If we all did the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves."
Thomas Edison

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Let's Get this Party Started!

As a newbie to homeschooling, I was a little overwhelmed at trying to figure out what to teach, how to get materials, what things would be required of my children (and for that matter, required of me), and how to go about getting started. I've done some research and after seeing the curriculum out there I've decided that homeschooling does not have to be something that breaks the bank! I've started creating some of my own materials to use in teaching my daughter, Savanna (5), and my son Samuel (3). Not that I won't use store bought curriculum at some point, but for now I think there's plenty of things I can do on a dime that will work just as well!

So with that, I will be posting my ideas and include instructions, PDF's, Word Docs, and pictures as often as possible. I hope you find them useful and I'd love any feedback or resources you have to offer. I'm looking forward to this homeschooling journey with my children and I am so thankful to the Lord for giving me this wonderful opportunity to teach them.

Bye for now,


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