"If we all did the things we are capable of doing, we would literally astound ourselves."
Thomas Edison

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Savanna Banana's Cakes

A couple months ago I posted about how my daughter loves to bake and has started a fun journey of making cakes. We have had such a wonderful time and since August, we have made 10 cakes (plus cookies and breads along the way)! It's been so much fun having this experience with her and I am so glad we found something that she enjoys that we can also use for learning. Baking cakes helps her learn to follow instructions, use fractions and measurements, be creative, and also helps her with journaling as we keep a Cake Diary about all her creations! It has helped her with her penmanship, grammar, punctuation, spelling, and vocabulary! We decided to incorporate one more learning experience: blogging. She was very excited to design her own web page and we entered her diaries on the blog. You can see what she came up with at Savanna Banana's Cakes. It's been such a great experience and I am excited to see what this will lead to in the future!

Bye for now,